Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Okie... This is a quick post.
I just want to wish all the Muslim's in Malaysia Selamat Hari Raya.
Be safe during this festive season and may God bless you...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

2 in 1 post...

I was tagged by Ms. Wendy, and since I've got nothing to update my blog with, I decided to complete the tag. But before I begin with the tag, here's a side note:
JJ is involved in a motorbike accident. He has been operated for a slight splinter and now he has 4 screws in his butt... So for you people who know him, please drop him a message and wish him well.

OK..Back to the tags...
I am supposed to list down 10 things about myself, so here goes...

1. I still haven't get my driving license... jialatness...

2. I can't wait for a long holiday during CNY...

3. I am also feeling pretty lost at the moment.

4. I want to go back to studying.

5. I want to give my parents a 25th wedding annivesary suprise (5 years from now).

6. I wish I can be a better daughter to my parents.

7. I want to get myself a DSLR as soon as possible.

8. I love singing *who doesn't know* lol.

9. I want to be a singer *would you buy my album??* lol

10. I want to be more devoted to God...

There, my completed tag...whee...
So the 'lucky' people who will be tagged by me is

I wish all of you happy tagging...

Monday, September 8, 2008


*Terbitan ini ditulis khas dalam Bahasa Melayu bagi menunjukkan bahawa saya bukan hanyalah pendatang dari China di Malaysia.*

Aku berasa sangat marah ketika terdengar apa yang di ucapkan oleh Ahmad Ismail di berita 2 hari yang lalu... Beliau berkata bahawa Malaysia ialah milik Melayu, kaum Cina dan India hanyalah pendatang dari zaman British, atas ketidakadilan British, kaum Cina dan India diberi kewarganegaraan tanpa syarat selepas Merdeka.

Malaysia baru sahaja menyambut Hari Kebangsaannya yang ke 51. Tema Hari Kebangsaan kali ini ialah 'Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan'. Namun begitu, apa yang saya nampak bukanlah seperti yang didakwa. Pemimpin ini bukan sahaja tidak memcuba untuk menyatukan rakyat Malaysia, sebaliknya beliau cuba untuk membuat sejarah 13 Mei kembali berulang...

Fikir-fikirkanlah, nenek moyang kami telah datang dari China dan India dan telah bertungkus-lumus membanting tulang dari pagi ke petang di lombong bijih timah dan di ladang getah di Tanah Melayu selama berpuluh-puluh tahun. Kaum Cina dan India bukan datang dari kampung halaman masing-masing untuk bersantai. Mereka bukan sahaja menyumbang dari segi ekonomi. Meraka juga bersama-sama berjuang demi kemerdekaan dan kebebasan negara ini...
Setelah berjuang demi negara ini, aku percaya mereka berhak mendapat hak kewarganegaraan negara ini.

Seperkara lagi yang saya tak faham ialah bagaimana beliau boleh mendakwa bahawa negara ini milik Melayu sedangkan orang asli yang mula mula sekali menetap di negara ini. Bukankah Melayu juga pendatang di negara ini. Melayu berasal dari wilayah Yunan di China. Perkara ini diketahui umum. Jadi bagaimana Malaysia ini menjadi milik Melayu??? Bagaimana pulak dengan orang asli yang telah diketepikan???

Saya berharap bahawa rakyat Malaysia jangan dipengaruhi oleh ucapan seorang pemimpin yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini...

*Terbitan ini tidak bertujuan untuk mempermainkan unsur perkauman*

Something New...

I went to One U with my siblings yesterday. We actually wanted to catch 'Money No Enough II' but it turned out that all the seats are taken at BOTH the cinema in One U. So instead of watching a movie, we decided to walk around... My brother went to Body Glove to get a new shirt while I was kepoh-ing in one corner.
Then I saw a hair saloon across the Body Glove shop and decided to check it out... The saloon is called Monsoon-id. It's my first time there. I heard that this saloon is quite famous. When I walked into the saloon I saw a few familiar stylists that I always saw on TV. After about 5 minutes of enquiring we (my sis and I) decided to get a hair cut. All in all it takes about 45 minutes and only costs RM 38 inclusive of cut, wash and blow. The service is really good too.
Now I got my self a new haircut and I'm loving it...
After the hair cut and all we decided to to stop at McD for a bite. We saw this gay couple sitting next to us. And the next thing we know, one of the gay decided to snap a picture of my bro with his handphone!!! We stared at him and he acted as if nothing happened and just walked away with his gay partner... I was totally in WTF mode...
To sum it up, it was a great weekend, I got new hair cut and my bro got snapped by gays... ^_^!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What's more important to you??? II

I posted a 'psychology test' in my previous post. The test will tell you what's more important to you based on how you rank you fingers from your favourite to least favourite.

The result of the test:
thumb - family
index finger -career
middle finger - yourself
ring finger - your boy/girlfriend
little finger - friends

There you have it... What each finger represents and what's more important to you...
So is it close or a total miss???

Until next time